Spring Bed Prep
Are your beds ready for spring? Let us do the work for you. Bed Prep can include any or all of the following: defining beds to get ready for hardwood mulch or long needle pine straw, applying pre-emergent weed control to help reduce weeds in the beds, applying fertilizer for plants and ground covers, cleanup any residual leaves, cleanup and removal of debris.

rejuvenation pruning
Are your shrubs and plants touching your home? Are your shrubs above your windows? Are your plants brittle on the inside because they have been sheered year after year? These are just a few of the reasons why rejuvenation pruning is important. Rejuvenation pruning is when the plants or shrubs are reduced by one third or more. The goal is to increase air circulation and sunlight inside the plant which promotes new growth. Ornamental trees and shrubs require specific pruning techniques which should be handled by a professional. In addition, plants need to be functional and not obstructing sidewalks and driveways.

Are there areas in your back yard that are out of control? Is there English Ivy growing halfway or more up your trees? Is the underbrush so thick that is hard to walk in some areas? Have trees or large limbs fallen in your natural areas that you would like removed? These are just a few issues that natural areas face. If you are like many home owners, cleanups like this are highly labor intensive and overwhelming. Now is the perfect time of year to clean them out while the plants and vines are dormant.
Irrigation Fire-Up
March/April is the perfect time of year to give your irrigation system a spring cleaning or a jump start for the hot summer. The irrigation fire-up is designed to catch problems and make adjustments as needed to make sure you are not wasting water while watering your landscape. We manually check each zone, we look for problems such as broken heads, clogged nozzles, and pattern obstructions. We check all valves and report problems with a price for repairs if needed. Our goal is to repair all problems while on site that day, or as soon as possible.
Need ideas on flower bed design and installation? Let our experts take a look at the area in question and come up with some ideas of how to enhance the beauty of your property.
Georgia thunderstorms can leave quite a mess in our yards. If you need help getting the debris out of the way, count on us! We charge per man-hour plus a disposal fee per cubic yard of debris collected.